Chica - Walking Now Without You
by Ana Marshall.........................................
Walking Now Without You

We retrace the paths that we walked with you
Trying to sense that you are still there
Your sweet golden tail streaming like a banner
As you race down the hill for a swim in the lake.

Now the autumn sunlight slants through the trees
Foretelling the passage of a summer too brief
And arrival of the long winter nights
When we no longer will see you at the foot of our bed.

A breeze wafts dry leaves along the empty walk
Whispering of life now spent and leaving the world
To those who remain living and apparently sound
But who long to hold fast to those who are not.

Seeing again your trail down the hill to the lake
Where you swam after sticks without number
Glancing our way when you had the prize in your teeth
As if telling us "Mission Accomplished" once again.

The paths we followed are lovely still
Blessed with memories of you, our sweet friend
Who wanted only to be with us forever
If only we could make such a vow.

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Ana Marshall
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