It's hard to lose a pet
by Andre-Maria R..........................................
A friend & I share a love of animals especially large when time came for him to decide whether or not to let God have his beloved pit-bull named Chelsea, he called me to talk.

I could tell his voice was heavy with sadness about his heavy hearted decision. Later that night when he called back to advise me, I had trouble finding the right words to console him. Even though it was someone else's pet, I still felt that sinking feeling you feel when you lose someone close to you. The pain and emptiness left by the loss of a pet is really tough. Thru the phone, I could feel his anguish and assured him that now that she's in heaven--and that she was up and running around with all the other lovely pets that God has in his special dog park.

I know that she is peaceful---no more medicine to take, no more sad, runny eyes, no more suffering---she now naps on God's floor. And even though his life here on earth is a little lonelier without her, I wanted him to know that her love and affection for him will never die--it stays forever and ever.

"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole."
-Roger Caras

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Andre-Maria R.
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