by Andrea .........................................
Last night, I had a dream.
I was walking in a jungle, the thick dense green all around me.
I heard all sorts of animal sounds -toucans, macaws, howler monkeys. Animals I knew and loved from my many travels, held and treasured for their natural beauty.
Among them I heard a very distinct meow, a sound only yours. I have been to this jungle so many times, in real and dreaming life, each time returning home to your furry face, beautiful in your own way and mighty as the king of the jungle.
I continued on, pushing brush and green, sun and damp out of my face.
I came upon a white and orange building, and you were sleeping against a fence. I walked over, scooped you up. Ah, you still smell the same.
Immediately you purred, a mighty lion rawr in my arms like you used to. I felt your reassurance, your chin against my chin, your sleek fur against my shaking fingers.
I heard your meow so sharply I woke up.
Though its cold outside, I feel your warmth beside me.
Though the nights are longer, I know you're still here.
In the great jungle, someday, we'll be together, running free with the lions and peacocks. Your blue eyes will forever shine, forever friend.