From my eyes to yours
by Anita .........................................
We look at each other eye to eye. Yes I hear you, Delle. Yes Delle I know it is time. In 15 minutes I will be loading you in the car to you can go to doggy heaven. I see the pain in your eyes - I hear your cry. It it time. I cannot be selfish - you've been in my life for 14 years. I must let you go....I cannot put my brain around how much grief I am about to bear. You have been my best friend and at times my only friend. You have loved so freely. Having you from a puppy has been a joy. All the funny things you would do...all the playful things you've done, how you were always right by my side. I cannot be selfish now and let you suffer. I must let go. So as we go and get in the car, just know you were the best dog and friend and son and brother and cousin to all of us!!! I asked you to tell me when - From my eyes to yours, I see it now. Let's go, Delle...
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Anita
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