Don't Take Your Pets For Granted
by Anna .........................................
I used to have two rabbits. They were both dwarf rabbits, called Lucy and Honey. They lived for a long time, Honey for six years, and Lucy for seven years. I was only about seven when we had them. I am thirteen now, nearly fourteen.

I never knew exactly how to look after our rabbits, and I never took the time to learn how. My dad always did most of the work. After six years, Honey died. Lucy was heartbroken, and so was I. I felt so sorry for Lucy. Honey was the only true companion she had, and now she was gone.

I then took the time to spend with Lucy. I held her and cuddled and stroked her and talked to her and sang to her and told her stories. Some people may say that she never understood a single word I was saying, but underneath all that fuzzy, white fluff, was an intelligent brain that understood everything I was saying.

After another year, Lucy passed away. She died from a mixture of things: old age, lonliness and eumonia. I had never really took the time to look after them, because I was younger and I never really understood how. But I still blame myself, no matter how young I was.

I now know how much they both meant to me, and now they were gone! I was devesated, and wished that once, just once, no matter how old I was, was to be able to look after them like my own.

So please! Don't take your pets for granted, no matter what animals they are! Fish, cats dogs, rabbits guinea pigs, lizards, snakes, birds, horses!
They will be the best friend you'll ever have.......

Please don't learn the hard way like I did....... I love you Lucy and Honey and Flopsy and Tilly and all my fish! xxxxxxx

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Anna
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