"God will prepare everything for our perfect happiness in Heaven
and if it takes my dogs being there, I believe they will be there." ~ Billy Graham
My sweet and precious Lady, where in the world do I start?
You've been a terrific blessing and friend who truly captured my heart.
You were born in 1998 in Uvalde, Texas.
Troy picked you from a litter of pups.
He knew you were the bestest.
He took you home to love you and you loved him too.
He taught you tricks, all kinds of them, fetching and dropping was so fun for you.
On the Batesville ranch, you grew big and strong.
You played with Cooney all day long.
You were so happy and carefree, exploring hundreds of acres of land.
You, my dear buddy, were living a life so special and wonderfully grand.
When Jim and Troy told you to "load up," you were so excited
And into the bed of the truck you'd jump.
You felt so totally delighted.
You'd ride all over the ranch with your fur blowing in the wind.
You'd bark, "Wow! I hope those humans let me do this time and time again."
After Troy moved to Georgetown, who knew what would come next?
You had a litter of pups and once again, you were blessed.
One of your daughters became my puppy girl.
Katy definitely was born to brighten up my world.
Five months after that event, you came to live with Granny.
You and Katy played all day and checked out every nook and cranny.
You were to stay just a month at your Granny's house,
But I'm pleased to say, it turned into nearly ten years.
I wouldn't trade a single day for the happiness, loyalty, and now, so many heartfelt tears.
You and Katy were quite a pair.
You had a loving and treasured relationship so very, very rare.
A mother / daughter duo so close and so dear.
You made my life enjoyable watching you two for all those fun-filled years.
You'd run like the wind without stopping
Except when you'd pause to catch sweet Mr. Bunny.
Granny didn't think that was very funny.
She hollered, "Lady! Drop!"
That's just what you did allowing Mr. Bunny to safely continue to hop.
You were so pleased when you brought me your toys.
It didn't matter which one it was, Gino, Ali, Fishy, or Piggy who made a noise.
The glow in your eyes showed you were proud.
"Good job," I said, praising you out loud.
A very sad day came in 2006 when you were only eight.
Kari and Dr. Dave found a tumor, the size of it was great.
The surgery was successful and you recovered fast.
I'm so thankful they saved your life.
You beat the cancer that didn't have a chance to last.
My precious old girl, you never left my side
Which meant so much to me, your faithfulness never died.
The precious heartbeats at my feet, a daily happening that's hard to beat.
I'll treasure the memories we had that made our days complete.
Your twilight years were special just like your younger days.
Oh my goodness, Lady. Dogs like you I wish for all is what I pray.
I've learned so much from you, my super amazing friend.
I hated the thought that one day your time on Earth would end.
Your quality of life was failing more and more each day.
Give me guidance, Lord, for months I would pray.
The hardest thing I've ever done was deciding you must rest.
I knew I must let you go and do what I thought to be best.
You didn't want to say good-bye because you knew we'd grieve.
We told you each in our own way that it was okay to leave.
That look in your eyes, always so full of trust, was asking that we let you go.
You're tired and we know it. It's okay for you to do so.
About a week before you left and while you were still in bed
Katy licked you on your nose and smelled your sweet, soft head.
You were a dear mother to her, always patient and so kind.
I know you will always be in Katy's heart and mind.
I told you that you're special and good, filled with a love so true.
No matter what the circumstance, you always knew what to do.
I stroked you softly and looked into your big, brown eyes, the windows to your soul.
Thank you, my Lady Dawg, for making our lives full and whole.
You barked in the sunshine and when you could, you walked every day.
Now the time has come for you to be on your way.
We'll miss you on our walks and how you chased the cattle
But we know you'll be free at the Rainbow Bridge leaving behind the aging dog's battle.
Amy loaded you in her SUV and in the back we lay.
We were all stretched out for the trip to Hillsboro which seemed not far enough away.
I hugged you much and talked to you and said, "You are the best dog ever."
My super friend and companion, my thoughts of you will leave me never.
The Rainbow Bridge is waiting and you'll meet lots of new pals.
I know Cooney will be there to greet my remarkable old gal.
You'll run like a champ every day of the week
And like you did at home, you'll always be ready to "speak."
"Woof! Woof! Woof!"
You'll say to Cooney, "Friend, I've missed you. I'm glad I'm finally here.
Now we can continue and do as we did at the Batesville ranch we loved so dear.
We'll run all over the flowering meadows and swim in the creek.
We'll chase bees, birds, and frogs and little mice that squeak."
We arrived at Dr. Dave's about 4:00 p.m. that day.
Oh Lord, may we go back home? I want to watch my Lady play.
I had to come to my senses and do what's right for you.
It was such a heartbreaking and difficult time for your Granny to go through.
In the room you visited so many times,
Amy and I knew it wouldn't be long before you'd feel just fine.
Yes, my girl, this room is where you found your peace.
Dr. Dave led you to the Rainbow Bridge so gently, softly, and sweet.
You didn't go alone, my dear and serene friend.
Part of my heart went with you as you reached your journey's end.
A soul as gentle as a butterfly with devotion so real and true.
I'll never forget you, Lady.
Thank you for letting me share part of my life with you.
We came back home and buried you, girl, where you will forever lay
under our beautiful Live Oak tree where we spent many a day.
You always sat so tranquilly by your Granny's side.
We so enjoyed the solitude just watching the world go by.
I will sing our songs to just Katy now, but she will be able to tell
As each time I sing in the years to come, they'll be songs for you as well.
She'll hear "you are my sunshine" and "you're the reason I'm living,"
Special words to both my girls, pups who were so forgiving.
"How much is that doggy in the window," a favorite song so swell,
Forever in my mind, my dearest Lady, you'll always dwell.
Right now, I need to mourn, my heart so needs to mend.
Though some may say, "She's just a dog." I know I've lost a best friend.
My constant companion and loyal pal, my dog I won't forget.
You'll live for always in my heart, my awesome and adorable pet.
KALO forever to you, my tender canine soul.
You will always be Granny's sunshine, a dog as pure as gold.
Your paw prints will forever be etched upon my heart.
In my mind you'll be there always, we'll never really be apart.
My Lady Dawg, you were so pretty just like a yellow rose.
These words written in your memory must now come to a close.
You know you were loved and how much we cared.
We thank you for the sunshine you gave us and all the years we shared.
Rest In Peace, my joyful girl!
Granny and Katy
"Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog." - Sydney Jeanne Seward