by Anna Farrow.........................................
My cat Vic died last Thursday 11/10/12 from injuries he received the night before from being involved in a car accident. Since then there have been 2 occasions where we have had rainbows outside our house. We have buried Vic in the garden and today we had not just a rainbow but a double rainbow, with the end seemingly finishing at the spot where he is buried. I had never heard of Rainbow Bridge before tonight when I was looking on the internet to see if my feelings of devastation are normal and came across references to this mythical place. I feel that Vic is trying to tell me that he is ok and has gone to Rainbow Bridge, Am I imagining things I don't thinks so, somehow finding out about this place and seeing the rainbows today (They stayed there for ages) has made me feel a little better. I believe that white feathers are angels giving us messages I also believe that Vic is waiting at the end of the Rainbow. XX
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