Cats adore to be outside
Stalking birds and mice
Searching for a place to hide
Ready to pounce with concise
Cats fishing in garden ponds
Gently dipping in their paws
Goldfish swifty swim around
Expertly escaping cat claws
Cats climb trees with elegant ease
Balancing through the branches
Scratching, clawing playing with leaves
Reaching the treetops with finese
Cats prefer to sleep in comfort
Sofas, armchairs and rugs
Occasionally pillows for support
Curled up comfy and snug
Playtime is special for a cat
Balls, Catnip, strings, anything jazzy
Rolling balls up and down the mat
Drives them absolutely crazy
Cats know when its time to be fed
Licking their lips in anticipation
Purring, rubbing against your leg
Eating in pure concentration
Cats are meticulous to groom
Cleaning whiskers, licking paws
Communicating affection with full bloom
Purring happily without cause
Cats are available in various breeds
Persians, Shorthair, British Blue
Manx, Longhair each have different needs
Colours vary from, tabby, black, white, orange too