My Sam
by Anne Proghoulis.........................................
Sam was only 6 weeks old when I got him as a gift for christmas from my son some 14 yearsa ago. Sam was an Australian Terrier, docile and could do anything with him. He was thoproughly spoilt had his own recliner and was allowed to sleep on the bed next to me. He had a mate Pepper who kept Sam on his toes as he was an part labrador but too big for me to handle( my sons dog). When Pepper left Sam fretted so much we had to get another dog and Little Lucy came to stay about 4 years ago. Lucy was the love of Sams life never went anywhere with out her,Lucy being smaller sam use to roll on to the floor and play as he knew he was too big otherwise for Lucy to rough and tumble with him. Sam loved his walks around the lake ofcourse with Lucy by his side . Last Monday night Sam had a stroke and I sat and nursed him most of the night. I can still see the pleading eyes and knew something was dreadfully wrong. We were at the Vets by 9am when they opened but Paul the vet said nothing could be done to save him. I gave Paul permission to put my beloved Sam to sleep. I will never for get YOU sam Rest in Peace you deserve my doggie friend .
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Anne Proghoulis
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