It has been a week since you've been gone
and the pain still fresh like it was yesterday.
Today, as i received your ashes,
I still can't believe you are no longer here,
I can't accept the fact that I'll never see you again.
I still look for you every morning,
I whistle for you to come to me,
and still set aside leftover food for you,
then the painful truth dawns on me
and I breakdown into tears.
I have to pretend in front of others than I'm ok,
when my heart has a hole in it.
I've heard people say "but he was just a dog",
they don't understand that you we're not "just a dog",
You were my true friend,
the only friend that loved me unconditionally
and were always faithful, you were the only one I really confided in.
You were there through my depression and pulled me out of it,
I remember those days when I used to cry because I felt sad and hopeless,
You used to sit by my side and leaned your head on my feet
while looking at me as if to trying to comfort me.
If by then I had not sheered up,
you used to do tricks and little things to make me smile,
you were so perky and there was never a dull moment with you.
Now I don't have any one to greet me at the door,
I'll no longer see you waging your tail when I get home.
There is no more "quitate Coco, move! Or Allez-Allez!"
as I tried to pass by and not your hair on my clothes.
I miss saying "sit, sientate, s'assoeir" when I was putting food in you bowl
and you tried eating it before I finished doing so.
I no longer feel protected when I'm home alone with the baby,
who by the way calls on your name everyday specially when she wakes up.
I guess she misses you too, she looks to where you used to lay
and then puts a sad face when she doesn't see you there.
I know I kinda distanced myself from you since becoming pregnant with her.
I feared you will bite me out of jealousy since I had not pet you since then
and all my attention has been to her and not to you,
But I want you to know that I loved you and I still do,
you were my loyal companion for 12 years,
and I'll always miss you BOY!
Nothing is the same since you died,
the house feels so empty without you.
Junior and I miss you so much!