by Anthony Speranza

If I can only have one walk with you today
Each day you always had your way when
It was time to play
You were the best buddy I could ever ask for
Now you are gone and I will never see you again
I still keep your favorite toys in the basket
With your favorite blanket
Each morning I still get up and fill your bowl
I guess it's a habit I can't control
Each day outside I see all these dogs walking
And I will always remember my dog was always exploring
I remember listening to my dog snore
It was something I always adore
Now I have an empty bed on the floor
And then I realized I won't see you anymore
Sometimes by mistake, I call out your name
Which brings back all my pain
I know you are in Heaven
And in God's possession
If I can only have one more walk with you today
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Anthony Speranza
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