by Barbara
Good-bye, My Skinny Heiny
Dedicated to My Devoted Cat, Hazel
When first I looked into your beautiful green eyes
I was totally smitten, to my surprise
Kim said your fur looked like autumn, orange and gold
Your colors were beautiful, we were always told
It took a while for you and Tawny to click
Sometimes he’d jump on you, being real slick
The two of you would sit on the window seat
With one paw hanging down, you loved the heat
You were the lap cat I always craved
Showering me with your adoring gaze
When I said, “Roll over,” over you’d go
You didn’t even realize you were putting on a show
When you didn’t see me, I’d hear a desperate meow
How I wish I could hear that now
You were the gentlest cat that could ever be
How blessed I was that you chose me
When I got home from work, there you’d be at the door
Waiting to sit on my lap and so much more
Your heiny was skinny, you were always svelte
We wished you would eat more, we always felt
For fifteen years you were right by my side
Without you many a night have I cried
You fought to stay with me as long as you could
Now you and Tawny are reunited for good
One day we’ll all be together again
Good-bye for now, my devoted, sweet friend.
Your loving owner,
May 27, 2016