by Barry&Melinda Shepherd.........................................
It's hard to believe that it has been five days since you left us my little. I still remember the day when your mommy said that she was buying a Chihuahua from a lady at the dance school and a week later we brought you home, you was a tiny baby and we all fell in love with you.After a few years you got sick from those doggy treats and mommy took you to the vet and had to stay until you got better,i was very happy about that.I still remember the trip we took to the smokie mountains were you tried to start a fight with other dogs at the top.The girls started to give you nick names for all the barking you did at everything you seen,bubbie was the best one.You was there when we had bad times and you help us to get pass it,mommie still remembers the day you saved her life when her sugar drop and you went to nikki's room and bark until she got up and seen that mommy was acting funny and she called grandma for help,thanks to you mommy called you her hero.I always though it was funny when you knew it was feeding time and when to go home to bed. You love to sleep with a fan on you and right next to me or down by my legs,and you snored too.We all enjoy the way you sneezed,it was funny and you like to be held by nikki a lot or bark at us when we ate food. I always made sure that you got your meds everyday and feed ,you like to go byby too. When you started to having trouble walking more and more we tried to help you much as we could to make you comfortable. We knew that you had a stroke a few weeks back,but you tried to make a come back and our hopes were high until grandma said that you had another.That day me &mommy took you to the vet we had a feeling that this was the day we hated to see and when the vet said that she done all she could for him,i just knew what was coming next and I couldn't stay in the room it felt like a ton of bricks hit me.Mommy called the girls to come out to say their goodbys and nikki held you and wouldn't let go,she didn't want to see you go.Tiffney stayed with you until the end and when she came out she said you were gone.The hurt and pain was more then I thought it would be,after some time all of us came back in and saw you laying down with your wolfie blanket like you were sleeping, I put my hand on your hand and said good by little buddy have fun at the rainbow bridge with nana.Tiffney said that you just went to sleep after the vet gave you the shot,she said she wanted you to see her as you closed your eyes.Even after 5 days the pain and empty feeling is still there, mommy had a dream about you that night that she seen you running in a field away from her,i know the lord was calling to you. There will be a day when we are together again my little buddy.
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