My Best Friend, Serena
by Becca .........................................
My loving cat, Serena Marie was with me for 19 years. My dad got her for me when I was a baby. She was born in Feburay and I in May. She would let me pet her and drag her around with me, when I was crawling. She never got angry and never hide away. She was with me me I cried, when I was sad, and when I was happy. I will remember her sitting outside, acting like she owned the street. People loved her, and she loved them. She was always a welcoming cat and friend.
She loved the outdoors and loving hunting. She would bring my family home 'presents'. She was a talker. She would meow and meow until someone would show her attention.
About 6 years ago, my vet told us she had thyroid disease. We gave her medicine, but she didn't handle it well. She hated it and would fight us everyday. We eventally gave up, and she was happy again.
She lived on until she was 19. My family noticed her breathing was heavy and rushed her to the vet. The vet informed us she had a mass in her belly. It was cancer. I knew she would not want to live with the distress of trying to breath. We had to put her down. And it was the hardest day.
My father died 8 months ago, and it was hard with 2 deaths in my family. My mom kept saying to Serena 'Find Daddy, he'll take good care of you. Find daddy.'
She licked our face's and was happy to see us. My mom felt Serena was telling her 'It's okay. I'm going to be fine.' I felt it too.
I haven't stopped crying for two days now. Every little thing brings me to tears. The way she acted, smelled, her fur color, pictures, and videos. I miss my little cat. She was my best friend and forever will be. And one day, I will see her come to me. And I will see my Dad. I know he is taking care of her, and they are watching over us.
I have comfort in knowing that I will see her again, and now she is not in any pain or discomfort.
She never let on to us that something was wrong with her, she never showed it. It was a suprise for us on that one day. When my mom and I noticed she looked sick. The vet told us she wasn't suffering, but she was distressed. And I know, I could not watch her go through that anymore. After her passing, the vet told us we made the right choice. I felt we did. Although I miss her, and cry for her, I know she is happy and pain-free. She is with my dad right now. And one day, I will see my best friend again along with my dad.
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Becca
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