by Bernadette Chopra.........................................
You left me lonely..
You left me sad..
You left me empty..
You left me.
I reach for you and feel nothing
I search for you and see nothing
I look for you and hear nothing
Yet you stand by my side every day and curl up in my bed at night.
You watch me cry and lick my tears
You look at me and tell me it's OK
You lay on my lap and comfort me.
I never realized I talked to you
I never realized you listened to me
I never realized I leaned on you
I never realized How much you were there for me
You laughed with me
You cried with me
You followed me everywhere
And never left my side
We went on our long wlaks
We curled up under the blanket on cold winter nights and watched our favorite shows
We sat in the back yard and looked at the stars
We gossiped about the neighbors
We shared stories and gossip, and laughs and heart break moments
We sat on the front stoop and watched the kids play
We wispered out little secrets...so no one would know
When the world was cruel and cold and painful moments took over
I had you to come home to
You made everything seem better
You made everything seem beautiful
You made life seem a blissful walk in the park filled with lavender and roses

Now all I have is an empty feeling...painful and so ALONE

I will still reach for you
I will still look for you
I will still search for you

You will always be by my side

My constant Companion
My Best Friend
My angel
My joy
My Comfort and solace
My Buttons

I Miss You Buttons.

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Bernadette Chopra
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