by Beverly Burns.........................................
Pemma, we heard lots and lots about you and the work you could do in the ring and what you did at home (a lot about home!) We heard the good things and the oh goodness! things as well. All part of being a family, we know you loved your human family and those pups of yours. We heard your whole triumphant labor and delivery story told with pride from Jeanie and Kathy (Mom and Mom to you I guess.) We got pictures and when they came we showed them to your "cousins" here at our home. You have cousins waiting at Rainbow Bridge and it's said that people who have been unexpectedly moved from this earth, they pass through Rainbow Bridge if they want and take a companion along for the journey with them. So Pemma although we didn't get to see you and rub that crazy do' so commmon to your breed we felt a little loss because we love your human family and we know they really felt bad when you became so sick that there were no miracle pills or such to ease you or cure you. When it is "goodbye time" for animals that people love it is hard to let you go. God is compassionate and helps us through hard times and most of us pet lovers have a hope; that St. Francis will do his best to get our loved pets to their resting place. This past month (June 2007)we got to have a rare treat--a trip to celebrate Jim having his 85th. birthday. He was quite proud of you and the whole lot. While we were enjoying that rare treat we met Jetty and Jim. If they looked like you I know that weird 'do got tousled up a time or two by anybody within reach. So, precious Pemma you were loved much and missed, rest well and enjoy Raimbow Bridge (there's no pain, no goodbye time) Love to the memory and accomplishments of Pemma from ; Paul,Beverly, Mike and the K9 crew of our home