Beloved Peppermint
by Bill Johns
Peppermint a Maine Coon cat born 6/27/02. Passed over the Rainbow Bridge on 2/6/ 2018
Our house feels so empty now.
Dear Peppermint
I now know what people mean when they say a house is not a home without a pet in it. You definitely made our house a home and mommy and I miss you so much.

I remember going to get you in New Hampshire. You were nine months old and a playful kitten. I remember playing with you for awhile before we left for your new home and I knew mommy and I would love you forever.
When we arrived home you immediately hid and did not reappear for some time.

Soon you adjusted to your new surroundings and made yourself at home. You were such a good cat and provided us with so much love and joy. You taught us so much about life and what matters most. You were so patient in an impatient world. Food, water, a sunny place to lounge and a few toys were all that you needed.
You loved to hide in the closets, under the bed and many other places where you felt safe. You were definitely a lap cat and you provided mommy and I many hours of company. We loved petting you and hearing you purr. You did not mind traveling and made many trips to Connecticut and back to your home in sunny Florida.
You endured moving to four different houses without ever complaining. You were a special cat.

When you were diagnosed with cancer last March we thought we were going to lose you soon, but you were a fighter and lived almost another year. We are so thankful for that. Every one who came to know you loved you.
Your two pet sitters Deborah and Mike both cried when they heard you had passed away.

You have passed over the Rainbow Bridge and are once again happy 😊 running and playing with your new found friends.

One day mommy and I will join you and oh how happy we will all be then. R. I. P. Silver Girl!!
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Bill Johns
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