I Just Wasn't Ready
by Billie Davis.........................................
I Just Wasn't Ready

I just wasn't ready
For what the doctor had to say
The word he used was cancer
The news came down today

I just wasn't ready
For us to say goodbye
19 days later
you looked me in the eye

I just wasn't ready
To hear your soft meow
Asking me to let you go
And yet be strong somehow

I just wasn't ready
A decision to be made
My love for you won out
But I was still afraid

I just wasn't ready
As I walked you out the door
To make the longest journey
That I'd made once before

I just wasn't ready
But the doctor was standing there
I had to let you go
I prayed a silent prayer

I just wasn't ready
For you to close your eyes
I held you and I kissed you
As we said our last goodbyes

I just wasn't ready
For the pain that runs so deep
Your mortal life is over now
As forever you will sleep

2010 Billie Davis

Dedicated to my little old lady Chi

My beloved Chi Chi passed to Rainbow's Bridge August 13, 10

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Billie Davis
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