Four and one half months later, My oldest dog Co Co took a turn for the worse. SHe was 9 1/2 years old and had a tumor. Co Co was my very best friend, I have never been loved or loved a soul like she and I.She was the sweetest kindest soul I have ever known except for Jesus . We could tell what each other was thinking most of the time, our souls were connected somehow. Last sunday, Janruary 11, 2009 I had to have her put asleep. I had been giving her great pain medication from my vet but on sunday morning it was not working anymore.
When the vet gave my baby her first shot, she went limp in about 2 minutes and I held her head telling her all about doggie heaven and rainbow bridge. She tried to kiss my hand and finally got her toungh out enough to do so. She realized what was fixing to happen and I was crying. SHe started crying herself, tears started coming out of her eyes as she looked at me. I gently wiped her tears, kissed her and told her not to worry that we would be together again in heaven then the vet gave her the final shot and again, I witnessed the life go out of my very best friend. I just cryed for a long time holding her sweet head and took her home and buried her next to Maggie.
I am a retired law enforcement officer and have seen death many times over. However I have NEVER felt so much pain.
I thank god that I still have more dogs at home to help me through this but Co Co was special, we had been through alot together.
I like all of you had doubts about Rainbow Bridge and if I would ever see our loving pets again in heaven. I ran across a story written by a priest of 20 years of a oriz. church who lost his loving dog named Lady. He too was heart broken, He basicially said this.
Dogs are put on the earth by God to serve and love us. They totally depend on us and love us uncondionally as God love us. Dogs don't sin, therefore they don't have guilt. The priest go on saying that he has NO DOUBT that our loving pets will be waiting on us in heaven. That God would never create such a sweet soul to "Just be discarted"after death. We as humans sin, we have to be born again through Jesus Christ due to our sins. When the lord returns, all souls including our loving animals will be redemed.
If you think about this, its just common sence. Dogs don't sin therefore they don't have to be saved to go to heaven. I now have no doubt that my Maggie and Co Co are somewhere up there awaiting for my arrival. Our God is a loving God and its no way he would let such sweet kind souls as my Maggie and Co Co just vanish after death.
There is however a catch 22 on this. To be able to be reunited with our loving pets again, we as humans MUST get right with the lord or we will never see tham again.
Anyone who would like to see photos of my sweet babies, photos posted on