A Cat Visit
by Bonnie Gener.........................................
Back in June 2012, Boots, a black cat with white paws became very ill. I helped the elderly woman in my neighborhood to take it to the vet. After 3 days the cat became weaker and futher tests were done, and was determined that the cat's kidneys were failing. The vet gave Boots 1 week to live. In the following days, Boots became weaker and weaker and would only sleep and drink alot of water and barely would eat. About 4 days before his death, Boots returned to the home of his previous owner, jumped up on the stairs and went inside of his home and had some icecream. I really didn't believe the story. So I told the new owner what the man had told me. She stated Boots went missing for a few hrs. and had just returned around the time the man had said he had been with him. I then knew Boots had gone to say "Goodbye" to the man who had loved and cared for him for several years. Boots became very ill, and passed away within 4 days after his visit to his beloved previous owner. Boots was loved and will be missed!
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Bonnie Gener
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