by Brianna Gray.........................................
Ok this is the story of my dog cookie that passed away just lately and im only 12 it was about a month ago and still today i cry im crying as i type this but one day i was at my dads and he brought me to my moms to get some clothes and i noticed cookie wasnt there but i thought she was outside using the bathroom so i didnt ask anything then when i came home the next day my mom said cookie had passed away sunday the day i came buy and thought she was outside but i was wrong my mom said she died in her sleep but satur day the day before she died she was fine nothing wrond at all so we dont no what happend i still cry to this day hey i still cry over my dog that died 5 years ago but cookie never bit anyone ever in her life never peed in the house ever never destroyed anything besides her toys she was the perfect dog and i loved her so much and i MISS HER SO BAD anyway thats my story i hoped you liked it even if you dont no my dog please pray about her so she no people still care thankyou.