by Brooke .........................................
My little girl buttons past away tonight. She had a oversized and my mother went to the vet about a month ago becuase buttons was getting sick. The vet looked at her and said "she seemed fine except for the oversized heart. But we can put her on some meds and she should get better." So we put her on 2 different kind of meds Enalapril and Furosemide..The first few days she was having seizures but they went away after awhile. But after we put her on the meds it seemed like her heath just went down hill. Got worse n worse everyday. but anyways for the past few days she wasent eating she had a really hard time moving around. I oould tell she was sufering. Today i could just feel something wasent right.. i just had a feeling she was going to die today so i took pictures of her and a video..i had to carry her outside and inside. Around 7 30 she passed away i was laying on my bed just watching t.v when i couldnt hear buttons beath anymore. She was breath really heavily before so i looked down and there she was past away. I got up n ran to my mother. We both sat with her for a little while and then covered her with a nice blanket. Let out other dog come say her goodbyes to her loved friend. My father is going to come by later and we will go barry her under the moonlight. Buttons died right next to my bed and usually she never lays were she died i believe she tried to get as close as she could to me to pass! uhh i hate this i miss her so much! These up comming weeks are going to bed hard. im going to miss not seeing her pretty little face come walking into my room. following me around the house. Missing her kisses, her companiness!Miss talking to her and have her smiling at me. Miss her begging for her treats and getting all upset if we didnt give them to her. :) She would always make me feel better when i was down. She has been with me since i was maybe 7 or 8 now im 18. for about 11 years shes been by myside. and its going to take some time getting use to her not being her with me. Man i cant stop crying right now. Im going to miss her face so much!! I wish i could have done something for her. I tried to make her better but it seemed like the meds i gave her just made it worse and i feel bad for givig them to her. She was a 13 yr old welish corgi. N she was my little angle, the nicest dog ever, always happy, never ever mean. loved her belly being rubed :) She was my everything! I just need some suport right now. Some advice. I think the meds might have caused her to die earily if you know anything about it could you help me out.? Thank you for reading my story if anyone has. This is so hard. Im going to miss her soo much! I love you buttons may you rest in peace. Now you can finally be as heathy as you can be. Your like a puppy now you can run and be happy! Your new life is just begining and i hope you enjoy it. I will meet up with you someday. You will NEVER BE FORGOTEN! your memory here with us will be cerished! Our love for you will never die! Your time her with us has been amazing and wonderful! You were the best dog anyone could ask for! But now you are free! no one can stop you. Find your place and be as happy as you can be! I will never for get you! Cant wait to be with you again my luv! Wish you didnt leave me so fast wish i could have had one last goodbye. But you know i loved you and i will never stop! You are n always will be my lil buttons! my honey girl. I will never forget! Rest in peace my luv!!