Its been almost a month
by Brooklyn Loper.........................................
My dearest buttons! Its been almost a month since yu have passed! I think about you everyday! I still feel that you havent died and im just waiting to se your beautiful face come around the corner! Im waiting to see you sitting by the place in the kitchen where your treats are. Just begging for some. I miss you buttons! I never knew how much you made my day better when you were here. Now when i come home its hard not to have you greet me at the door. Its hard not being able to give you my love!
Buttons you came to me in a dream the other night. The first time since you died! I believe you were comming to me to tell me you were alright. and you found your place.
In the dream you looked alot younger and your coat was so shinny! You were running up to me and my mother so happy! You were also with one of my other dogs that had passed so i guess you met up with here and now you two are free and happy!
Im glad you came to visit me in a dream! I hope you come to visit more offten!! I miss seeing your beautiful face!
Its so hard and sad because i always knew when you were comming into my room because you would walk so slow and i could always tell your footsteps from the other dogs! And now i never hear the sound of your footseps!
I know that sounds silly but that is just one of the things i miss about you being here with us!
Well i will never get over you my baby girl!! Even though its getting easier by every day that passes but the love i have for you will never fade! And the memories will never be forgoten! YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTEN!!!
I hope you found your place and as happy as you can be!
Your new life has only just begun and i will be up there to share it with you someday! till then hang in there my presious buttons!
Love always and forever
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Brooklyn Loper
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