My Bailey
by Carla .........................................
What a trooper that you were little one...
God knows you were sent to me for a reason!
I would take your pain away, and do everything I could...
Many ups and downs you endured so bravely,
More brave than I was at times!
You were by my side and witnessed so much!
I saved you from Wilkes-Barre, where it was so rough..
You heard the waves crash in Cape May,
Even tried Grandma's home cooking...
and Hillsdale was home... our little apartment.
You loved to bird watch... always talking with your feathered friends
Turkey, Cheese, and Treats were your favorites...
Never seen a cat beg like a dog... though I didn't mind..
Meal times were your favorite..
You would not so patiently grab my attention.
Such a tiny meow for such a big beautiful boy..
I hear your melodic meow in my head.. over and over again...
You were everyone's favorite everywhere we went.. so handsome...
You were so so beautiful, you are forever my lion cub.....
You watched our Benny come and go.... always by my side strong...
I joked that you were my golden kitty, soon to lay golden eggs.
You were stronger than all that came our way..
Except cancer.. though in it's face you still were a lion...
All of your suffering is now gone... thank god...
And I'm left to bear the pain... of a life that was so strong...
But I'll endure.... for you always did.
Never to be forgotten... My Bailey Boo... We love you..
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Carla
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