The Budman
by Carol Kramer.........................................
My head tells me I did the right thing on Friday, April 13th, 2012 when I put my sweet little kitty to sleep. My heart tells me soemthing else by the ache I still have. I got my little kitty, who was a rescue as a play mate for my cat Stretch almost 13 years ago. Stretch left us 5 years ago and Buddy seem to be fine without a big brother because he had all my love and all the treats to himself. He was such a sweet little cat but always a little on the skiddish side. He grew more comfortable as the years went on and after his brother died, he relished in the fact that mommy gave him all the attention. He loved to race me from the bedroom to the kitchen. I always let him win. He would sit in the window and wait for me to get home from work and then he would run down the hall at warp speed to get to the door before I got it opened all the way. He loved to lay on my tummy and watch tv and have his ears rubbed. He had 3 beds but seem to love laying on my hip most of all at night. When he got sick I was devasted and tried as best i could to get him the help he needed to get better but it just wasn't ment to be. he lost alot of weight and I could see in his eyes that he just wasn't happy anymore though he tried so hard to make me believe he was getting better. At some point during his last month, yes he got bad very fast, I had an x-ray done and found out before i got him as a rescue when he was about a year that someone had shot my sweet little baby with a bb gun. he had six pellets still inside him some 13 years later. I understood then why he was always so scared of strangers and loud nosies and that made me love him even that much more. he was a tough kitty but I didn't want him to endure anymore so I went on a sunny Friday with my friend and had my baby put to sleep so he wasn't in pain from cancer or kidney disease or IBD anymore. I brought him home wrapped in his favorite blue blanket and toys. My friend came and got him and buried him at his parent's farm by a beautiful lake with lots of trees next to his big brother stretch. I have a beautiful picture of my Buddy and his big brother on my table with his footprint in a clay form and lots of cards from friends and family. I kiss his picture when i wake up and before I go to sleep. He will be forever in my heart and will be playing with his brother till we see each other again. Buddy's mom
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Carol Kramer
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