The Greatest Love of all
by Catherine Cardozo.........................................
Shasta came to me after my Mother had passed away. Rainbow, a lovely, and caring person who rescues ferrets brought me one of the greatest gifts of all, baby Shasta. His previous parent had passed away from Cancer and he was all alone in the world. He didn't get along with other ferrets. His mother bit off his tail when he was a baby, so you can understand his apprehension. All the other rescued ferrets played about, but Shasta needed that human contact. Since I had lost several dogs after Mom passed, (they were older). I was left to care for my sick father. Life was so very sad and difficult. Shasta and I truly needed one another. Never having a ferret before, I was hesitant. I heard that they got into a lot of mischief and that they were known for getting into things that they shouldn't. I met Shasta at the Vet's Office. I held this beautiful, alread five year old boy. He smothered me with kisses and we bonded instantly. Later, after much thought I brought Shasta home. He seemed anxious about being in the car. We set up his large cage and put him inside. Immediately, he used his two front paws to shake the cage. Being afraid to let him roam freely, I put a few towels in so that he couldn't make such a loud noise. I have never believed in caging animals, but I didn't want him to get into anything that could hurt him. After baby proofing the house, I let him out. He was fully potty trained. He would go into his cage to use the bathroom and come and go as he wished. Very soon he was sleeping on my chest and in my bed with me. I climbed up easily. He had many stuffed animals and hid them all around the house. He would play keep away. When he heard my keys he would run to the door. His apprehension about cars was gone. We went everywhere together. Kids, both young and old, their parents, all inquired about Shasta and wanted to hold him. He loved to be held and would often give kisses. Even the toughest of the teenagers would come up to me and want to hold him. Their facade of toughness disipated and their hearts opened up to his love that he so freely gave.
I have so many wonderful stories that I would love to share at a late date. I don't wish to bombard anyone. I just wanted to share the grandest love that I have ever experienced in my life. Shasta is and will always be my soul-mate, and best friend. I love him with all my being. I Thank Rainbow, and God for bring us together. I have to admit that I was rather upset with God for taking him from me, but I have come to appreciate the fact that it was he who brought me this most loving little boy. I thank Dr. Jordan for helping him to be "the oldest living ferret that she has ever known." Most importantly, I Thank You Dear Shasta for loving me whole heartedly and for teaching me to love and be strong while you needed me during your illness. I didn't cave in only because I had to be strong for you. I know you lived as long as you did for me my friend. Don't be sad when I cry. I would not trade our time together for anything in the world. Oneday I will be okay for you. Please promise you will do the same. Please visit me often, but play freely and don't worry, I wish with all my heart for you to be happy. We will be together again. Remember what I would say to you, "Your my Baby." Remember how I changed the words to the "I Love Lucy," Theme Song. I would sing, I love Shasta and he loves me. We're as happy as to can be........So be happy "My Baby." I'll love you till the day I die. Than we shall be together again.
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