Dear Joe Bob
by Cathlene and Kevin Sampson.........................................
Dear Joe Bob - The first time I met you, you were barely more than a shadow. You were so afraid of everything, everyone. The smallest noise sent you running, and you could not relax, even for an instant - constantly on guard. Then I watched, slowly, carefully as you became friends with my Dad, Stanley's Poopa. I watched you slowly learn to trust, coming ever so slightly nearer each time we met; slowly learn to have faith in the human race as you and Dad spent countless hours together trimming rees, moving dirt, and building bridges. I watched you grow and blossom through yours and Dad's friendship until you became that permanent fixture that watched over all, and would jump on me for attention! Oh, Joe Bob. You were on magnificent dog, and I thank God that you and Dad found each other, and that you were finally able to live the good life of a beloved dog beofre you had to leave this world. You did good. Rest in Peace, sweet furbaby.
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