Bugsy Mash
by Chad Aleshire.........................................
Bugsy was a bulldog from top to bottom
Every rule he learned, he conveniently forgot em

Manners were not his thing, his rudeness was his trait
From our first meeting, we knew it must be fate

Locked together from the start, I knew he was my boy
Carrie, Bugs and Bob, my world, my family, my joy

Be it camping, Duck or Christmas, you were always at our side
For treats and love and sunshine, Bugsy would never be denied

Together we grew up, together we grew strong
Bugsy was the baby, but that would change before too long

Gabby came along, and our family it did grow
Bugsy loved the baby, and loved to lick her toes

Oh how she loved you Bugs, and Oh how you made her smile
Our walks were unforgettable, though you'd barely make the mile

So sudden was your goodbye, that I barely could believe
That your time on earth was over, that it was your time to leave

Our hearts are filled with sorrow, your presence we still feel
I can't believe your gone, I can't believe its real

We will carry on without you, though we'll do so in protest
You were not just another Bulldog, Bugsy you were the best.

I love and miss you Buddy!

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Chad Aleshire
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