still think about ya <3
by Chantalle Kays.........................................
I remember getting you seeing how happy you looked at us with those big chocolate eyes.I loved you from the start! When we broght you home it took a week or too for you to get use to things. You trusted us and we took that trust away from you on the last week we had you. You shriveled away and no one knew how bad your condition was. You were not eating or drinking. You were dying but we were to stubborn to see that. The last day you were with us i was at school and you were home. I came home from school and you were not there. i really missed you my mom had tears in her eyes well she told me and my brother. I could not cry because i almost felt you pain seeing it in your eyes everyday you were sick. Now without you here is like a big gaping hole where my heart once layed. YOu took my heart with you and all the love and affection i gave to you. I miss you more then a baby misses its blanket. I will never ever foget you and the love we once shared. i love you willy !!!!! <3
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Chantalle Kays
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