Angel Wing's
by Charlotte Boes.........................................
some people are like angels
Whenout ant wings.
who spread joy around and do the little wounderful things.
An angel is someone who is always around
Who,s so filled with love and joy
That,s an Angel
They constantly share,
if an angel is someone around
Who looks out for orthers
And is someone with little wings Who touches you life
Your Heart then even thoughyou don,t have wings
You;re an Angel"
For an Angel has Whispered in your ear,
Their voices are sofe and comforting
Just Whisper to your Angel to here you.
for it will be ok to go to heavennow,
Just walk with us now
As the Doors opeen now to Heaven,,

BY Charlotte Boes FOR patches my cat

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Charlotte Boes
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