It was awful i knew it was coming soon but i didn't know it was going to come that soon. Bubba had seizures through out his life. But never like this one. He had bone cancer or something and his hips were bad. So one night he was walking up the stairs and all of a sudden.... "BLUMP BUMP BLANG BUMP BUMPbump!!!!!!!" and we found him lying there on the floor at the bottom of the stairs he couldn't move. He had peed and pooped alot too. i started tearing a little bit.
My parents started talking to him for a little bit. And then my dad picked him up and brought him up the stairs into his room where he sleeps so I went to talk to him.
The next morning i went into my parents room and i didn't see Bubba where he sleeps and my dad said,"He died last night" so i ran out side where my dad said he was and started to pet him and talk to him some more. And that was the end of my best friend. ~Bubba i just wanna let you know that i love you so much and i will never forget you and i will always have the picture of you in my locket
Age 10 :(:(:(