by Chris Sampson.........................................
Even though the treatment for my bout with Parkinsons is a wonder, sometimes it doesn't kick in when it should and I either shuffle or have trouble balancing. Archie could sense when I was having problems and would not pull on the leash, but wait for me as long as I needed. The night before he passed, Jeff was busy getting ready for an art showing and so I volunteered to take him out just in case he needed it. Sometimes it hurts him too much to use the dog door. It was pitch black outside and I forgot to put the front porch light on. He led me in the dark around the front yard so carefully always making sure that I was right next to him. I wasn't doing well and he didn't let me fall even though he had stopped eating and was getting ready to leave us. He was never trained to lead me, but he acquired the skill, and I am so thankful for him in my life.
Thanks so much for your love,