Missing Mia
by Chris .........................................
Dear Mia, it has only been 2 days...It happened so sudden on Easter Sunday 03-31-13, when our furry family member took a major turn for the worse succumbing to kidney disease. Mia, we will always love and remember you as you were adopted with your surviving brother, Manny 6 years ago. During our time together, you saw a wedding, birth of our girl, Gabby, who turned 4 this year, and so much more. She loved you so much and she was the only one you ever let carry you around....remember when she put you in her play shopping cart!? You also looked out for Gabby and had a watchful eye when she was a baby. I will remember how you tormented Mommy and I by tearing up the screen door, chewing on yoga blocks, destroying rugs, and more! You were truly the "Marley" Cat like the Labrador in "Marley and Me"...but we know you loved us very much and we loved you. I also remember last April when I was working in the yard and headed out to the hardware store. Gabby joined and we weren't a mile down the road, when I looked in the passenger seat and saw this little Russian Blue cat hanging out as if she were a dog...looking content and happy as ever. I never thought I would have to say goodbye on such short notice but I guess this is how these things happen. Your Daddy takes these things so hard. I am comforted that you had a good life but I always wish I could've have had more time. I am struggling remembering the time spent that last 30 minutes together. You looked at peace as I stroked your chin and told you how much your family loved you and what a good girl you had been...I stayed with you through the end and spent another 15 minutes saying final goodbyes. I only hoped to see you one last time running around tearing something up or jumping at bugs in the air. I miss you, Little Mia...you will never be forgotten. Gabby is going to plant a tree in the front yard in your honor soon as the front was one of your special places to hang out. Come visit anytime from Rainbow Bridge to check in and to comfort your brother and friend, Manny who is still with us. We are taking very good care to love Manny as he, too, lost a friend. Your Daddy misses you and will always be here...love always, your family
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Chris
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