Trojan came to me from heaven. God an Angel lent.
For 14 years upon this earth with me he always went.
He became my little companion. He chose me for his Mum
And as I walked through our front door to me he'd always run.
His little tail a wagging on his back legs he'd be
Until I picked him up for hugs his love for only me.
Not everyone who met him, would like him from the start
But with sparkling eyes and charming ways opened doors into their hearts.
For a biscuit he was a terror. Into the tin head first he'd jump.
A kiss, a paw, his full repertoire for the snacks that he adored.
And if you just ignored him he'd go through it as before
With added kisses on your nose and a bark he'd ask for more.
Always a happy greeting for friends who came through the door
But at the end of the day it was his family that Trojan lived for.
Fourteen years they past so quickly for my little man,
Thought I would have him forever, but this was not God's plan.
For 14 years heaven lent me my beautiful little Trog.
Never leaving me in my hard times he was my special Dog.
When going through my troubles with me he would always remain
Giving lots of love and kisses and cheering me through my pain.
All through this year God's been calling, "It's time for you to go"
I tried so hard for extra time so I could keep my Tro.
Until in late October, your weary body said, "I love you mum but sadly to God I must be sent".
So I had to make the decision to hand God your tiny paw.
So hard for me to come to terms that I have my Trojan no more.
On God's knee he will be sitting eating biscuits on this you can bet
Until he hears me knocking, then Trojan I will collect.
We will then be together, never to be apart
But until then my darling Trojan I live with a Broken Heart.
Gary Stone