Ju ju's story
by Connie .........................................
Ever since I could talk I've asked and begged for a dog. I wanted a golden pom that would be my best friend you know like the dogs you see on tv. She would come when called and sit at my feet as i did my home work and ate dinner only eating the tidbits i slipped her under the table. When I turned 14 i got my wish but in stead of the pom i got a Grey and white Shih-tzu. Despite my first thought it wasn't the dog i had in my head I loved her non the less. We came to name her Ju-ju. Now Ju-ju wasn't the dog I had in my head. She was well she was a dog that had no manners, she begged for food and if we didn't give what she wanted she sneezed on us. She was constantly wanting to play and wouldn't let me do my work unless i played with her for a hour in advance. We used to joke she was more like a cat then a dog. For whatever reason she didn't like being cuddled and would growl at us if we did. She preferred to be on her own unless we had food. But Ju-ju was always there ready to listen if i had a problem, She would always greet me when i came home from school and later on work, She would be there with kisses and a shih-tzu smile ready when we would go out for a small walk. In 2008( she was 10) I realized Ju-ju was blind she's had cataracts in her eyes since birth but they glazed over making her eyes kinda scary but she didn't seemed to be bothered by it she knew the lay out of our house so she could get around with out hurting her self. I took her to a small vet clinic and the vet informed me it was just her cataracts surgery would do no good since she's had them since birth. So we lived with it she was still as happy/grumpy as she always was. Then in 2010 I noticed her sleeping alot more then she did. She rarely left her room other then to eat and to bark at me for water. She didn't want to play or anything else she loved doing I just thought it was because she was now 12 and an grandma in all aspects of the word. Then on September 23 of 2011 I started hearing her whine in her sleep. She was drinking more water then ever and not as much food. She didn't want to tear up her toys like she used too when we would get them and the biggest shocker she didn't want any of her favorite treats. I rushed her to the Vet office 2 minutes from my house and met a vet who ran a lot of test that day. He sadly informed me that my dog had Diabetes and even with insulin shots and other treatment not to expect her to live past a nother year and would be fairly uncomfortable. What other choice did I have. After sobbing into my best friend's coat and her growling while i did it. I made the hardest choice and held her as she passed onto the rainbow bridge. Its been 48 hours now and I miss her more then I ever thought I would.
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Connie
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