Buffy, My Guinea Pig
by Dana Davis.........................................
I remember when I brought you home Buffy. You and Ginger (your daughter) came home with me that day. You were a few months old and Ginger was a couple of weeks old when I brought you home. You had Groundhog day babies! You were such a good mother to Ginger. You would cover her to protect her. I kept you and Ginger in your cage beside my bed for several weeks. When I would take you out, Ginger would squeal for her mother (you). You would squeal when I took Ginger out.

As time passed, you ladies were moved to a large 2 x 5 C&C cage in my living room. I was fortunate to be able to provide you with lots of hay, good food, water, and necessary guinea pig things.

I enjoyed watching you romp around your cage. I would laugh when you would rumblestrut and 'brrrr'. It was so funny. That's one of my favorite memories of you. You and Ginger would also wait in line to take turns drinking from the water bottle, even though you had two water bottles in your cage.

We had a peaceful life. I was going through a dark time in my life and you would let me hold you and cry into your fur. I appreciate you being their for me in my time of need.

Last Tuesday, something happened to you and you could not get around. I don't know if you had a seizure or what. You even went off your food. I hand fed you food and water that evening/night to help. Wednesday morning, you were lying in one spot and had a far away look in your little eyes. I knew it was time to help you to the Rainbow Bridge.

Even though I am hurting, I know you are whole and well once more. I held you in my lap as you drew your last breath. That was the least I could do for you; be there for you when you needed me.

I just want you to know how much I love you, Buffy girl.

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Dana Davis
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