by Dani Murray.........................................
Our oldest dog, 10 years old, Guinness, was found in a dumpster. We nursed Guinness back to health and here we are today, 10 years later. Our world was turned upside down last week when we took him to the vet and were told he has a large mass/tumor and he only had a few days to live. We were spoiling him like no other and he was eating top of the line food in his final days. A couple days later my family and I were sitting outside enjoying the wonderful Chicago weather, we had gone inside and found our other dog who passed away. Bruno was 7, a vet said it may have been a ruptured tumor or brain aneurysm. My dogs were best buds, did everything together. It was been one of the worst weeks of my life and I can't stop thinking about them, especially my Baby Bruno. Our house is so quiet, no one to cuddle with, and no one to annoy the heck out of you. They were always two guys in my life I could count on during break ups or bad times, they were the shoulders I cried on and listened to me babble on about my problems. I would do ANYTHING to have them back and I will never understand why this happened, but I'm so happy they are with each other and probably having the time of their lives. Love you boys more than anything!!!! Love your sister, Dani