My deepest love
by Daria Itter.........................................
this is a story of love life and the happiness brought to me by Laddy my oldest son.

I met you in a pet store in NY and I new you were the one. I brought you home to Ebony the border collie and Sly the tabby. You were our baby so sweet and cute you had a black heart on your tail and I knew it was our sign. As you grew in size I love you more and more with each passing day. We found out we were going to have a baby and Justin arrived you slept by his bed and were his best friend from the beginning Then Aileen arrived and you did the same with her. The time when we left your dad and I left you behind to keep him company I knew that you would be with me again I missed you so much during this time. You were my best friend for the very first day. You never chewed or destroyed furniture. we were family and we grew. we Have as a team been through 2 marriages and you never turned your back on us. You loved me, Justin and Aileen I could see it when you looked at Us. the doctors looked at you 6 months ago and said it looks like cancer and I cried omg how I cried. I opted to bring you home and live happy until it was time for you to go. I was told 2 years ago you lived longer then most Collies do and I knew it was because you were my angel on earth and needed to stay with us. You had problems breathing and I stayed up with you all night on Monday. People told me I would know when it was time to let you go to the field to play frisbee with Ebony and Sly. I cant tell you how much mommy hurts now. But in my heart I know you my oldest son are now at peace. MY god I miss you, your scratching your foot steps you being under my feet and when I was sad you stayed and leaned against me. I wish you were here now. Laddy life isn't the same with out you. It hurts badly and I am trying to deal with this. I truly am. I Love you and my god do I miss you. A note from me. this boy was my son. I never could complain about a thing in his almost 13 yrs of living. please understand I am lost for now with out him I fealt I needed to write this. I wanted him at peace he needed to be at peace. GOOBY I love you!

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Daria Itter
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