by Dave .........................................
I had my wonder lab for 13 and half years. When we first gotten hershey, i thought, wow another crying puppy, endless sleepless nights, and picking up more dooggie due. Hershey turned into my best friend in the world, having lost another dog years before, i din't know if i couold love another, like my other. Well i was wrong, hershey was a bit hyper all of her life, so she needed to be run everyday. It got to the point where i spoiled her, when i got home, she'd rush at me, bark, and bark and bar, and run to the back door until i grabbed her leash and took her for a run. Then i'd leash her, and she'd jump off the deck, and off the playland she wnet. When i moved out of the house 3 years ago, i always stopped by 3 or 4 times a week to see my parents, but also to see my hershey. She was always their to greet me, and the sight of her wagging tail, made my day great, no matter what had happend earlier. Hershey had a bout with arthritis about a month aga, tooke her to the vet, he gave her some pills, and things seemed ok. The last ten days or so, something happened, she lost alot of weight, wouldnt eat, and just had no energy. She looked confused and disoriented. We took her to the er, a few days later and the vet took exrays, and found that her lungs were filled with fluid, and she was having trouble breathins, she olso found some tumors in her, and with her advanced age, she said they were probably cancerous, and her kidnesy were going too. My parents made the decision to put her down, which was the right one, but oh how much it hursts. Findiing this site, and reading the other stories helps, and i know i due time, i'll be ok, but right now its realyy painfull. My parents and i are pretty upsedt, but we had 13 and half years with her, and the memories will last a lifetime. Though i cry, when i walk into the house and she's not their waiting, and barking at me, the fact that seh'll be burined with a tombstone in our backyard brings me great joy.. She 's home where she belongs, and she's not suffering anymore. She's in doggie heaven with my other beloved pet dog, penny, and it's great she finally met her sister. Thanks for reading this, for those who read it, and thnaks to the er hospital staff, who show great empathy, and sympathy too me and my family.