by Dawn Michelle Berry.........................................
Today is the first anniverary of your transition across the Rainbow Bridge. I miss you more than words can describe. I still hear you and feel you in the house. I dream of you and cry and hurt. I have made the decision to get another puppy to bring life into the house at 7116 again. I want a little girl puppy and you will be the Godfather. I think I will name her Saphire because I know she will be sassy. I opened the blinds today all around the house and let the sunshine in. I have had them closed for a long time because when the rays come inside, I think of you sitting there, getting warm and taking over each room as the sun moves. No other animal will replace you but I feel like I need to give love to another puppy and it will ease the ache in my heart and fill the lonliness. I hate going home to an empty house. I truly love you and am glad you spent over 16 years with me. You saw me through all the ugly and bad and licked my tears through it all. You are as much a part of me as that big ole mole in the center of my chin. I miss you, I miss you, I miss you. You were the most dedicated companion a girl could ever ask for. You even outlasted the guys I thought were "the one"! You are and always will be my O N E !!!