by Debbie Finewood.........................................
I Just dont know what to do with myself !!!!! I has been 5 days since we had to put our Ellie girl to sleep. Im still in shock, I cant believe what has happend. I took her in to the vets on monday because she wasnt eating good, and Ellie loved her meal time. She still was eating her cookies ( cheerios ) and begging so I didnt think it was anything to be to worried about. we found that Ellie was running a high temp. so we did all her blood work. The Vet come out into the waiting room to get Ellie and I and she said " We are in alot of trouble " Ellie Is in the final stages of Kidney failer. She stayed at the vets for 5 days on IV fluids. More blood work was done, but no change. Our vet ( Lee ) told us we could bring her home on Friday for the weekend, but needed to bring her back in Monday so she could see how she did with out the I.V. I soon realized that Ellie Could'nt see well at all when I got her home. As the day went on I went from taking Ellie back Monday for blood work to We need to put Ellie to sleep Monday. Hour by hour things where changing fast. Then we realized we had to bring her to the vets first thing in the morning. Then it was " She's not going to make it thru the night ". Ellie was our little pomapo, she was only 7 years old. On that friday we all layed in our bed with her one at a time. Ellie waged her tail and give us all kisses. At 10:45 that night my husband said I will sleep In Kaytlynn's bed( our youngest daughter "21" and you and her sleep here with Ellie. Then at 11:00 Ellie had a bad Seazere. We rushed her to the emergencey vet 45 min. away . We then put our Ellie Girl to sleep. All I can say now is " I just dont know! Even my story reflect how my head is. Everything is so out of sorts. Xmas is a week away and I cant even bring myself to think about it. all I do is cry. My poor husband is at a loss, he dosent know what to do for me. Im going to go now and try and get alittle rest