For 11 months and 14 days I have been missing my baby Lilly.
On the 29th of April 2009 my girl,best friend crossed over the bridge. Her 1 year anniversary is in 15 days.
Although it took me until the 25th of May to post her story
and write to her all the time, I keep saying the same things.
I love you Lilly, I miss you Lilly, I wish you were here Lilly.
I cant wait to see you again Lilly. I know your happy Lilly. xoxo Mommy.
For some reason the closer the date, the harder it becomes right now. A full season has passed.
I have been blessed with wonderful signs. I have taken a picture of a corner of my room and had a outline that looks like her spirit, I have found tennis balls for no reason at all in odd places, I hear the perfect songs just as I turn on the radio, I heard paws walking to my bedroom where she used to sleep at her exact bedtime. I prayed that I wish I could see her again, then she appeared in my dream standing in her same spot where we played catch, lookin so alive and healthy, I have prayed to hold her one more, she came in my dream and I held her.
I am so blessed to have candles flickering but I really miss my girl.
I am so greatful to have had the time God let me have with her, but I miss my girl.
I have faith that she is happy, but I miss my girl.
So for you my sweet Lilly Ann. This is how I celebrate your anniversary of passing over to Rainbow bridge, I shed tears of Holy water in honor of our time together and am so greatful for the unconditional love you showed me.
We know that you don't want us to be sad. It makes you babies sad. So play my baby girl. But know I miss you.
Happy Anniversary to your freedom from your disease, eternal life of lovely days. Thank you for being my best freind. Until we meet again my sweet....xoxoxoxo Mommy......Lillys mommy/Debbie