by Debbie Topliff.........................................
My Beloved Magic had accompanied me on a trip to my brothers house in Hope Valley, R.I. for a visit. My brothers house is one of 4 in a culdisac surrounded by woods so I had no problem taking Magic off her lead. She never left my side and returned immediatly if I gave her permission to run. My brothers neighbor had a pair of gorgeous Rotties which were allowed to run free in their fenced in yard. The male was huge but friendly and the female was smaller and also friendly. Each however outweighted Magic by at least 100lbs. This day the dogs were out playing when I left the house with Magic. Magic ran to the fence and started to give the rotties a piece of her mind. This wasn't like her at all. She was usually very friendly with whomever or whatever she met. After a minute or so the male rottie trots up to the fence and sits down facing Magic. Now Magic is practiclly levitating; I knew she was safe so I watched to see what would happen next. The rottie just gave her a look as if to say "Are you kidding me?", and from his toes let out this "WOOF". That was it just 1 woof and continued to sit there. Magic lept about 2ft off the ground and spun in mid air. She dashed up the stairs and hid behind my knees. But she wasn't done, from the safety of mommies body she had to get the last word in and proceeded to give him more lip!! Then she ran to the car looking at me as if to say "quick mom lets go before he yells somemore!!". I almost wet myself I laughed so hard. All the way home she was VERY proud of herself, after all she did get the last word (or bark) in! This is one of my favorite memories of my Beloved Magic and I am happy to share it with you all. I hope you laugh as much as I did. Enjoy!!