Such knowing eyes, a loving wise soul
Who's beauty surely must be told.
A loving heart, such funny ways
You truly brightened all my days.
If I had known you couldn't survive
I would have stayed there by your side
To hold you close and let you know
That you are loved, and its okay to let go.
I didn't leave you there to die
But any cure, we had to try
To restore your health, so you could be
Happy, and home, and running free.
But fate decreed this wouldn't be
And took you when you were apart from me.
My lovely boyLJDRRG, my dearest friend
I wish I'd held you till the end.
My days are dark, my nights are long
But the love we shared will always burn strong
And when its my time and I pass away
Our loving star will light my way.
I miss you so very much my precious Chester.
(Author Debra Marriott)