And if I were granted that wish for that day
I'd hug you, I'd kiss you, together we'd play
I'd tell you I love you and cherish that day
I would beg God not to take you away
But that couldn't happen and you went away
Now I'm left here alone to cry every day
I miss you so much and my grief is so deep
Every night is the same, I cry til I sleep
Are you doing alright, are you really ok?
These questions I hear in my thoughts every day
I look at your things, they're still in their place
Through tear-filled eyes I look at your face
I love that silly ol' picture of you
How quickly our short time together just flew
I look at your toy, it's still on the floor
Reality hits me, I'll see you no more
The tears start to fall as I look at your bowl
The anguish I feel burns deep in my soul
For 13 short years you gave me your love
No questions or regrets, you were sent from above
Now Angels that brought you to me took you back
My sun shines no more, the clouds are all black
I miss you so much and I can't hide my pain
I wonder each minute, who'll stop my rain
Will I ever again feel the joy you brought me
I cry and I pray for you, my dear NIKE
Rest In Peace My Sweet Girl