God gave us Angels in Dog Suits
by Denise Williams.........................................
What I know for sure...God gave us Angels in Dog suits.

My Friend has been sick and is slipping away from me. He was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and the Doc's gave him a month or so to live. That was 6 months ago but I think he is ready to go now.
People at work, friends & family know about my Tully and will kindly ask "how is he doing". A dog person knows a dog person so the stories are exchanged. Stories of the bonds between human and dog, the memories and the painful good-byes. Stories of moms with empty nest syndrome, who relied on their companion to get them through the quiet moments of loneliness in the house. Women who have lost a loved one (like myself) and their buddy was at their side through every depth wrenching cry. Men who lost a father and their pal was right there to comfort and keep them strong. Some who have lost a spouse and relied on their four legged friend to greet them when they came through the door. For some, their dog was the only true friend they've ever known. So many stories from the human perspective, but what about from the dogs perspective. They have relied on us to take them in, accept their unconditional love, allow them to be our protector and simply be their friend. Wow, how could a living soul be so unconditional if not from God? Who else could have lent man such a devoted hand or in this case a paw? He knew we would need help. He knew we would need reminders & guidance. He sent dogs to teach us how to love and be loyal, how to serve and how to play, how to trust and to forgive, how to live fully and how to say good-bye (for now).So, he allowed angels to walk among us in the form of our beloved canine companions. I know they are Gods Angels, sent here to help us peel back the layers of humanity. I believe and if you have opened your home and your heart to one of Gods Creatures then you believe too.
It's funny but I've always been a little leery of those who are not dog people. I tend to think they lack soulful and Divine compassion. But maybe they are just "unaware" and therefore out of touch with God &
His life lessons. Receiving a dogs love doesn't involve race, religion or politics. It's just simple, unconditional & certainly not by chance. Ya know...it was in your blue prints.
My Father, taught me how fulfilling it can be to love and respect an animal, in my case dogs. I have loved and lost many and am on the cusp of losing another. I grasp for peace in knowing my Tully will be going back home to God, where he will be healthy again. There he will wait for me with my dad. I'd say I feel lucky to have had him in my life, but I don't believe in luck. So I've thanked God every time I have looked into his loving brown eyes.
I know he's holding on now for me, he knows me so well. He senses my heart breaking. It's my turn to be there for him, I have to let him go. Please God help me be strong to his last breath, help me be strong.

It's quiet now, my friend is gone. I've lent him back to God.

In Loving Memory of My Tully
August 18, 2000- December 12, 2009

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Denise Williams
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