by Denise Erianne.........................................
Hi SweetPea! It has been 2 months since you left me. It has been very hard, I haven't been able to get thru a day without crying. I think of you all the time, everywhere. I miss your kisses, your smell, your hugs and the way you put your head under my neck and fell asleep like a baby!If one more person says "get another dog" I will scream!! You can't be replaced! I'm not ready. I will one day, but not yet. Maddy I am not myself without you?? I don't have alot of interest in much lately, I find I just want to go to the movies or read a book, because that way I can escape people and being social. When other people are talking about their pets I just want to die. It so hard to say the words I had a dog but he passed away?? It doesn't seem real to me? You were my favorite thing in the world, how can I be happy again without you? When Uncle Boo Boo goes to bed I sit with your blanket wrapped around me and your picture in front of me just remembering you. Where are you? I want to believe in RainbowBridge, are you there waiting for me? Was that really you in my dream 3 weeks ago? or am I totally crazy? It was so real and I woke up smiling and happy. You were with Toby at Grandma and Grandpas house by the railing of the stairs and you bit my nose(like you use to when we played) and turned and walked away. Where you letting me know you are okay and with Toby? I hope so. Can you please visit me again, I need to know for sure. Maddy, I miss you so much, and I'm so empty right now. I love you forever, mommy.