by Denise Bailey.........................................
I didn't go looking for Sammy, he came to me. I already had a female pit bull, Diamond, who at one year old was a powerhouse of energy. After a year of her destroying the house the yard and everything else I wondered what would calm her down.At her vet's suggestion, I began looking for a companion for her. The first two dogs didn't work out. I went to the local Humane Association and was told to bring my dog with me. They brought out 3 different dogs but neither got along with Diamond. Then they brought out a dog that made me back up in fear. Big, musclebound, giant head and open mouth showing gigantic teeth. But when he and Diamond saw each other it was love at first sight. They displayed play bows and began to act as though they were the best of friends. I was apprehensive but the dogs loved each other and my boyfriend was pleased so despite my misgivings we began adoption. A month later in late August 1999, we brought Sammy (so named because I thought he resembled actor Samuel L. Jackson) to his forever home. I was still apprehensive because of his size and appearance, but once he looked over his new home he came over to me, rested his giant brindle head on my knee, and stole my heart. I immediately softened to him and he was my baby and velcro dog from that point on. Always a perfect gentleman, smart as a whip, always a jokester. He licked my tears when I cried, always listened when I spoke or sang, even sang along. Sammy was my gentle giant.A great friend and protector. In early spring 2010 Sammy began to slow down. I wasn't surprised since according to his estimated age he was at least 13 years old, possibly 14. But a cough that I thought was a cold came. It got better then worse, and continued. I finally got really alarmed when it became chronic. I took him to the vet and testing revealed masses in his lungs. Treatment was determined to be unaffordable, and too much for such an old dog who had a bad time with visiting the vet as it was. So I sadly chose with my vet's advice to let nature take it's course, keep him comfortable until time to humanely euthanize. He was diagnosed on June 2,2010 and on June29,after watching him rapidly decline, I made my final decision to let him go. The night before, he had difficulty breathing, and when I put him to bed I asked him, "Will you be here when I wake up?". He looked so weak, but he gave me a tail wag. I felt it was the end and called off my job for the next day to spend it with Sammy. On the morning of the 29th I tried to feed him but as he had for the prvious couple weeks he had little interest in food. I panicked and called my boyfriend from his work and he came and tried to get him to eat, but no luck. Sammy spent most of that day lying in the sun in the back yard dozing. Around 6:00 I called him in the house. He had trouble getting to his feet and I had to gently drag him inside. He laid on the floor looking quit bad and I called my mother. I wanted someone else to tell me waht I knew I had to do. She asked me, "Is he tired of being a dog?". I understood what she meant and took her advice. I tried to make myself pick up the phone and call the vet, but couldnt. My boyfriend came around 6:45.Sammy was laid on the floor laboring to breathe. But upon seeing Larry, Sammy came to life and walked around wagging his tail and asking for Larry's attention. I went upstairs for a drink, returned and sat down. Minutes later Larry called out, " Denise look at your dog!" I didn't answer because I was watching tv. He said it again more sharply and got my attention. I stood and went to the back of the room where where they were and larry said " I don't think he will make it through the night". Sammy was laboring hard for breath now and I made the decision to call the vet for euthnization services. My dear buddy lay on the floor dying. I sat on the floor beside himand made him comfy. Diamond sensed what was happening and did the most wondrous thing. she laid next to him body to body and crossed her front paw over his. She began licking his face and I stroked his head and body. Larry called the office to bring him in. While he got the truck ready I stayed to comfort my baby. By the time Larry brought the truck around, my beloved furbaby was taking his last breaths. Larry said a short prayer and in moments my Sammy was gone. 10:53 p.m. June 29,2010. We said goodbye to the greatest pit bull who ever lived.