by Denise Erianne.........................................
Hey Maddy!! It's December already, 6 months since you left me. This is my first Christmas without you, and my heart is breaking all over again. I miss you terribly. My new babies are great and I love them very much but no dog can/will replace you ever. I talk about you to them all the time!! they are probably sick of it! lol. You would love my little girl Lola, she is so sweet like you were, and my little boy Mason is a true yorkie!! like you he is a little terror!! He is alot of fun with lots of energy and thinks he is a giant dog like you did, but he's even smaller than you, only 2.lbs 8 ounces. I am happy to have them, they keep me busy but I just can't stop missing you.I don't cry as much these days but I get sad alot when I think of you or see your pictures around the house. I gave the new dogs your 2 favorite blankets i hope that's okay? Grandma and Grandpa are in Fl again and they found a toy of yours when they got there and were cleaning and they called me crying about how much they miss you and that you will never be able to visit again. It was sad, they loved you sooooo very much, as did everyone who knew you. I will try and be happy this Xmas with Lola and Mason because I know you would want be to be happy, but it will not be the same without you and know that you are with me every holiday in my heart for ever and ever. Miss and Love you!!!! Always, Mommy