Aspen's Gift
by Diane Suter
You cried your tears of sorrow
For time you felt was borrowed
To spend remaining days with me
Until you felt I’d be set free
Of the pain my cancer brought
as you feverishly and truly sought
the time you had to let me go
and release my precious doggie soul
to the heavens far up above
while I left with you all my love
you rescued me and gave me joy
Which I’m forever thankful for
The time you spent on the floor
By my side for one day more
To show me how you held me dear
And sometimes I know in fear
that your last goodbye would leave you sad
and let go of the times we had
my last remaining wish for you
is not to have your heart so blue
but smile for the memories made
of endless times we often played
God gifted us with each other
I can’t think of a gift much better

Thanks for everything, I had a wonderful time!
Love Aspen
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